Monday, June 27, 2011


Things just couldn't be done fast enough. In 1868, only four years after his coronation, the twenty-three year old king Ludwig ll ordered the drafting of plans for a castle to be built within view of his parents seat Hohenschwangau.From impressions engraved in his mind from his time at Hohenschwangau, Ludwig ll followed the traditional of medieval chivalry. Starting with the original idea of a small building of almost playful lightness, a plan soon grew for a monumental castle in a neo-Romanesque style. In 1880 the basic structure of Neuschwanstein, which is at the same time a fortress and a royal residence, had been finished; the entire complex however was only completed in 1892, after the king’s death. Only the principal rooms in a castle, the living quarters and state rooms, however, would be furnished during Ludwig ll’s lifetime.

    A ling drive winds up to the crenelated gateway flanked by corner towers.

Originally Neuschwanstein was intended as a „temple“ to Richard Wagner. Tristan and Isolde, Lohengri, Tannhauser, and Die Meistersinger were the operas from which the motifs for the murals wer supposed to be taken. For the king something else mattered: namely with Neuschwantein he envisioned ressurecting Mont Salvat, the mythical castle of the Holy Grail. For him the world of the Grail was the most chivalrous and exalted form of a Christian endeavor. Recent art historical research has only now been able to clarify how such notions can be explained solely on the basis of Ludwig’s own life history. The gravely oppresive conflict he endured between a guilt-ridden eroticism, with which he struggled throughout his life, and his resultant deep longing for purity and holiness, weighed heavily on him. Sin and Salvation are the basic concepts based on which the legends to be illustrated were chosen.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Aquarius Facts

Fact 1: Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 18).
Fact 2: Aquarius Element: Air
Fact 3: Aquarius Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 8, 10, 39, 49
Fact 4: Aquarians, more so than most, are ideally suited to explore these abstract dimensions.
Fact 5: Aquarius Colours: electric blue, bright pink, grey, ultramarine blue
Fact 6: Aquarius Ruling Planet: Uranus
Fact 7: Aquarius Best day of the week: Saturday
Fact 8: Aquarians objectivity is deal for science, communication and friendship.
Fact 9: Aquarius Gems: obsidian, opal, garnet, black perl, sapphire
Fact 10: Aquarians seem to attract hot, passionate, romantic, demonstrative people.
Fact 11: Aquarius Metal: lead, pewter
Fact 12: Aquarians are very friendly people, but they do not make a big show about it.
Fact 13: Aquarius Career Planet: Pluto
Fact 14: Character: fixed, air, universal
Fact 15: Important Keyword: I know- Being highly sophisticated and polished, it is a very easy task to a person, who is born under this sign.
Fact 16: Aquarians do the right thing by their friends, even if sometimes they do it without passion or excitement.
Fact 17: Aquarius Love Planet: Venus
Fact 18: An  Aquarians could be a complete person who possesses an encyclopedic memory and knowledge.
Fact 19: Aquarians have a deep passion for clear thinking.
Fact 20: An Aquarian is very intellectual and intelligent.
Fact 21: Aquarius Money Planet: Neptune
Fact 22: Very often Aquarians will rebel strictly for the fun of rebelling, regardless of whether the authority they defy is right or wrong.
Fact 23: Aquarius is highly unconventional, detached from others, intelligent, smart, objective in mentality, individualistic in attitude, highly inventive and probing, unique, special, sophisticated, polished, cause-leaning, futuristic, humanistic and progressive.
Fact 24: Aquarius Planet of Health and work: Moon
Fact 25: Aquarius Colours that promotes leaning power: aqua
Fact 26: Aquarian person could be highly fickle minded, unpredictable, dogmatic, allof, elite looking, brooding, cocoon like, over-permissive and self centered at times.
Fact 27: Right or wrong has little to do with the rebellious actions of a true Aquarian authority and power must be challenged as a matter of principle.
Fact 28: Aquarius Scents: azalea, gardenia
Fact 29: Aquarius Planet of Home and Family Life: Venus
Fact 30: Aquarius Colours that promote love, romance and social harmony: gold, orange
Fact 31: An Aquarian can do well in those occupations that require a progressive mental attitude and thinking skills.
Fact 32: Where Capricorn and Taurus will err on the side of tradition and the status quo, an Aquarian will err on the side of the new.
Fact 33: Most woman Aquarians find their home environment stifling and insufficient.
Fact 34: Aquarius Qualities most needed for balance: warmth, feeling and emotion
Fact 35: Aquarius needs to work with others as opposed to a low.
Fact 36: Aquarian men can be very unpredictable and eccentric with their flowing and fluid mind.
Fact 37: Aquarius women always want to expand on their ideas and intelligence by going out to affirm their friends and colleagues.
Fact 38: Aquarians are very interested in breaking barriers and making walls tumble 0 scientifically, socially and politically,
Fact 39: Aquarius Strongest virtues: great intellectual power, love for the new and avant-garde, the ability to communicate and to form and understand abstract concept.
Fact 40: Aquarius Wood: pine
Fact 41: Some of the areas could be writing, broadcasting, photography, publishing, social working, aviation, electronics and computer science.
Fact 42: Other Zodiac Sign, such as Capricorn, also have scientific talents. But Aquarians are particularly excellent in the social science and humanities.
Fact 43: Aquarius Deepest needs: to know to bring in the new
Fact 44: Aquarius Flower: pansy
Fact 45: Aquarius Characteristic to avoid: fixed ideas, rebelliousness for its own sake, coldness
Fact 46: Aquarius directly follows Capricorn in the astrological cycle.
Fact 47: You can find many of Aquarius women working as politicians, social workers, and NGO’s.
Fact 48: Aquarians are very helpful with their co-workers and welcome responsibility, preferring this to having to take orders from others.
Fact 49: Aquarius Animal: fox
Fact 50: Aquarius is an air sign and signifies cold winters and breezy winds.
Fact 51: Aquarians have deep propensity for interaction and spontaneity.
Fact 52: Aquarian men posses radical and strange ideas and approaches to their life.
Fact 53: Aquarius Fabric: crepe
Fact 54: If Aquarians want to reach their highest career goals they have to develop more emotional sensitivity, depth of feeling and passion.
Fact 55: Aquarian men are appealing and charming to women.
Fact 56: Aquarian women’s wide-ranging ideas and immense spirit and mind for concern for other people make them wanted in the public field.
Fact 57: Capricorn stands for the system as it should ideally be organized while Aquarius symbolizes the life of the creativeness as human being were meant to live it.
Fact 58: Aquarian men can be extremely mysterious.
Fact 59: Aquarius Strength Keywords: Witty Clever, Humanitarian, Inventive, Original
Fact 60: In the Aquarius- born, intellectual faculties are perhaps the most highly developed of any Sign in the Zodiac.
Fact 61: Aquarius Weakness Keywords: Stubborn, Unemotional, Sarcastic, Rebellious, Aloof
Fact 62: Aquarians men’s sheer charisma can work wonders with the opposite sex.
Fact 63: Aquarians love to cross their predefined social boundaries.
Fact 64: Aquarius wants to be loved, probed, hugged and cajoled by other sun signs and other air signs like Gemini and Libra can make very good candidates for a possible relationship.
Fact 65: Aquarian men can be truly fascinating and exemplary with their wonderful ideas and highly innovative mind.
Fact 66: Many social workers and psychologist have been noted Aquarian women.
Fact 67: Aquarius personality is very independent, any attempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them, to flee.
Fact 68: Aquarians need to be free to be on their own.
Fact 69: Aquarians excel in interaction and are very skilled communicators.
Fact 70: Aquarian men always like those women who can pose dicey challenges and riddles that can take some time solve.
Fact 71: A typical Aquarius man may never like flattery and compliments.
Fact 72: Aquarius Sign most helpful to career: Scorpio
Fact 73: Aquarians love to make people laugh and cheer people up and it makes them feel good to make others feel good.
Fact 74: Aquarians woman is a deep sign of intense friendship and association.
Fact 75: Although Aquarians are sociable, it is not to put in airs that they mingle with people.
Fact 76: Aquarian man could be show his annoying nature when someone tries to flatter him.
Fact 77: Although Aquarians are different people, they might find their life outlook and opinions, expressions, basic goals and objectives in life are similar and compatible.
Fact 78: Aquarian women are very impulsive with their spending habits.
Fact 79: All Aquarian women are endearing towards their spouses or lovers.
Fact 80: Aquarius has a rebel mind set, while Libra likes to please  and influence everyone!
Fact 81: Fickle mindedness and confusion could form the characteristics profile of an Aquarius female.
Fact 82: Aquarians social life is rich because deep in themselves they know that man is a social being.
Fact 83: Aquarians are not predisposed to limit their self-expression the can be tactless at times.
Fact 84: Aquarian women can spend their money in a reckless manner.
Fact 85: Aquarian men find such women irrepressible and pulling.
Fact 86: Aquarians house is usually decorated in a modern style and full of state-of-the-art  appliances and gadgets- an environment Aquarians find absolutely necessary.
Fact 87: Aquarian man never bother about those who pass comments about him.
Fact 88: Aquarius Signs of greatest overall compatibility: Gemini, Libra
Fact 89: Aquarians are always prone to conditions like development of varicose veins, hypertension, blood pressure and vascular problems.
Fact 90: The passion in Aquarians speech is merely an effort to express the spiritual ideas of human being.
Fact 91: Independence is not just desire by Aquarius, it is essential to their well being.
Fact 92: Aquarians can find Gemini too vocal and all over the place.
Fact 93: Aquarians live with no strings attached.
Fact 94: Aquarian women could be generous with their spending habits.
Fact 95: Aquarius Signs of greatest overall incompatibility: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
Fact 96: The spiritual idealism of Aquarius may manifest as a love of the occult and magic, a belief in the power of dreams.
Fact 97: They are very unconventional and always full of excitement, an Aquarius friend always makes life fun.
Fact 98: Aquarius Sign most helpful financially: Pisces
Fact 99:Aquarians may need to adjust with their demands and requirements to form a fine partnership with other air signs. 
Fact 100: Aquarian women can remain friendly and noble towards others with their dominant attitude.
Fact 101: Aquarius likes surprises and mysterious events.
Fact 102: Aquarian man has a very rigid attitude towards his friends and colleagues_ ”Live and Let Live! I do not care!
Fact 103: A large number of researchers and scholars belong to this sign.
Fact 104: In business life, Aquarians need to learn to narrow their focus on the essentials and concentrate more on the job in hand.
Fact 105: In love, The Aquarian and Leo combo can help them to solve a number of intricate puzzles of life.
Fact 106: Aquarian women are very generous with their friends especially when it comes to entertaining them with lavish parties.
Fact 107:Aquarians are in love with their spiritual nature and therefore susceptible to the temptation of fame.
Fact 108: Aquarian men are faithful and trusting with their spouses or lovers and true commitment towards the married life may work like wonderful magical potion.
Fact 109: In family and domestic matters Aquarians can have a tendency to be too non-conformist, changeable and unstable.
Fact 110: Aquarians might open you a spontaneous last minute camping trip with no supplies prepared.
Fact 111: By birth, Aquarian men tend to be rebellious in their heart because they tend to do something that is utterly unconventional and surprising.
Fact 112: Aquarian women have more on compassion than passion and their open nature makes them very amenable to breakages in personal relationships.
Fact 113: Although Aquarian appreciate the value of money, they are not inclined to attach that much importance to it.
Fact 114: Aquarius like to do something useful with their lives, mixing that with their amazing way with people.
Fact 115: Aquarian men try to be unique from others.
Fact 116: Aquarians are neither big spenders nor penny-pinchers and use their finances in practical ways, for example to facilities progress for themselves, their families or even strangers.
Fact 117: They are progressive thinkers and great at forming new ideologies and theories, any type of research is very suited to Aquarius.
Fact 118: Anything new is an opportunity to Aquarius.
Fact 119: With all Aquarian women’s perceived spending habits, they can be extremely intelligent and smart in investing their money on highly profitable ventures and projects.
Fact 120: Aquarians are good at friendships, but a bit weak when it comes to love.
Fact 121: The Aquarius woman is the ultimate independent woman.
Fact 122: Aquarians need ‘a fire in the belly’ – a consuming passion and desire – in order to rise to the very top.
Fact 123: Aquarian men can be unpredictable and uncertain; however, they have their purpose and goal in their mind before doing any work.
Fact 124: Aquarius sign most helpful for emotional support: Taurus
Fact 125: Aquarians like the grand ideas and massive plans and can make them happen.
Fact 126: Like Capricorns, Aquarians are cool customers.
Fact 127: In sex life, Aquarius have a very imaginative approach to sex, they like creativity and novelty, they are not fond of not passion and emotional sex.
Fact 128: Aquarian women would like to invest their money in commercial projects that yield long-term gains.
Fact 129: Aquarians love relationships of the mind.
Fact 130: It is not a surprise to see that what Aquarian men think today will be the thought for others after a decade!
Fact 131: Aquarians need to be creative at work, to have access to new techniques and methods.
Fact 132: Aquarian men can be spontaneous and instant both in their actions and in decisions.
Fact 133: The mundane day to day repetitive details causes Aquarians to procrastinate. Aquarius needs a secretary.
Fact 134: Aquarians are not prone to displays of passion or to outward demonstrations of their affections.
Fact 135: Aquarian women can be very loyal companions to their spouses or lovers while their smooth going nature can help them repair damaged relationship quickly and in a mutually satisfying manner.
Fact 136: Aquarian men could become great leaders and corporate managers.
Fact 137: Communication is so important to Aquarian man.
Fact 138: If the intellectual factor is missing in a relationship an Aquarian will soon become bored or feel unfulfilled.
Fact 139: Sex to an Aquarius is a fun thing, expect to laugh and be silly, its like a fun game between a couple.
Fact 140: Aquarian women may choose to work for those professions where they will get an opportunity to present their skills and strength.
Fact 141: Aquarian men are very stable and secure with a hind of solidity in their thinking processes and action.
Fact 142: The Aquarius is a water bearer of the constellation! It brings hope, relief and promise to the world.
Fact 143: Aquarians feel uncomfortable when their mate hugs and touches them too much.
Fact 144: This does not mean that Aquarians do not love their partners. They do, only they show it in other ways.
Fact 145: Aquarius tent to be rebels just for the sake of having their own way.
Fact 146: Aquarians men can take their friends and workers along with them with their pragmatism.
Fact 147: Aquarians prepare jobs that have a bit of idealism attached to them- careers with a philosophical basis.
Fact 148: Aquarians stubbornness sometimes causes their failure.
Fact 149: An Aquarian woman shows compatibility with signs like Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius and Libra while Scorpio and Taurus can be a bit of a challenge for her.
Fact 150: Aquarian men can think ahead of time unlike many other sun signs.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Salzburg, Austria

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.

Salzburg: Såizburg: literally: Salt Castle is the fourth-largest city in Austria and the city of the federal state of Salzburg. The city is note one setting and one of the best-preserve city centers north of the Alps.
Salzburg is a tourist favorite, with the number of tourists outnumbering locals by a large margin in a peak times.
 Salzburg Festival is a famous music festival that attract the visitors during the month of July and August each year.
There language is widely written in Austrian-German. A Austro-Bavarian is a German dialect of this territory and widely spoken. 

Monastery Church Ettal

Monastery Church Ettal

Ettal Abbey is a Benedictine Monastery in the village of Ettal close to Oberammergau and Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria, Germany
The description is shared with gold and blue. "Et al" is the original name of Ettal and means valley of the marriage (vow, promise) Emperor Ludwig of Bavaria gave the promise to established a monastery at this place. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011


The island Herrenchiemsee (also known as Mr. island known earlier name Mr. Worth ) has a total area   of 238 ha by the far largest of the three Chiemsee island.

This is the second Island that I visited. Its Spring Season when I came here. In my sources the palaces of King Ludwig II have been visited by over 50 million people since his death. Herrenchiemsee is in Bavaria part so this is near to my residential area and we just goes with auto it took 3 or 2 hours. And if your a tourist you can take Train or Bus.I don't now how much is the fare but anyways just go to the Hauptbahnhof and there are all  for the Information you need or just click this link . 

Have been able to ride the ship to go to Island of Herrenchiemsee.                                                              
This is "The Frauen Chiemsee" the ship came near in that island so i had the chance to capture this gorgeous island opposite to Herrenchiemsee .

This palace built as a "Temple of Fame". This palace was begun in 1878 from plans by George Dollmann and was preceded by a total 13 planning stages. When Ludwig died 1886 the palace was still incomplete and section of it were later demolished. There are the surmounted statues of Fama and Fortuna requested by Ludwig II to highlight the mythology effect.

Schloss Linderhof

The "Royal Villa" Linderhof Castle. 

This PALACE was the most favorite of Bavarian King Ludwig II and it is the smallest of the three palaces built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria and the only one which he lived to see completed. It has several phases from 1869 to 1886, built in. (its not allowed to take pictures or video inside). However, this PALACE is fully finish. Not like in HERREMCHIEMSEE and SCHLOSS NEUSCHWANSTEIN there  are some parts of the Palace are not finish yet. Linderhof Castle is considered the favorite of so-called king fairy tale in which he was staying, by far the most common. 
"He is very shy and he always wanted to be alone."

This is the cottage of his father King Maximilian II , which has a place about 200 meters west of the present castle was transferred 1873rd.

This is the first Palace that I visited.
Its in Germany, near Oberammergau in southwest Bavaria near Ettal Abbey.

A large pool with a fountain around 25 metres high occupied the area in front of the Hall of Mirrors in the southern tract of the palace.


The building is wholly artificial and was built for the king as an illustration of the First Act of Wagner's "Tannhäuser". 
Ludwig liked to be rowed over the lake in his golden swan-boat but at the same time he wanted his own blue grotto of Capri. Therefore 24 dynamos had been installed and so already in the time of Ludwig II it was possible to illuminate the grotto in changing colours.

Neptune Fountain and Music Pavilion

A landscape park forms the transition between the ornamental gardens and the fir and beech forest of the Ammergau Mountains. The paths that wind through groups of splendid beech, oak and lime trees and across open meadows provide the visitor with constant scenic variety.