Sunday, July 31, 2011


Frauenkirche (Munich)
The Cathedral of Our Lady in Munich's old town, often women's church is called  the cathedral church of the Archbishop of Munich and Freising
The three-aisled  late Gothic brick chapel with the surrounding rim is 109 m long,  40 meters wide and 37 meters high. The two towers with their distinctive hoods differ by exactly one meter in height, they are almost equal, the north tower is 98.57 meters long than the south tower is 98.45 meters. This is the south tower and it can be climbed and offers a unique view of Munich and the nearby Alps.
The church has 20,000 people standing space. The interior is not overwhelming for his size because it is divided by 22 sent row arranged high octagonal.  From the main entrance seen from the rows of columns seem lifted by "walls" between the upright with star vaults equipped ships. From the spatial effect of the church there is a legend associated with foothprint in a square base plate at the entrance of the nave, called the devils kick.

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